
The best damn waste of time!

Harris in the News

Total posts: 4327
Just thought I'd post a little blurb that shows how Harris might have something to do with actual every day life:

Harris Corporation Chosen as Primary HD Graphics Delivery Platform Provider by Cox Television
Total posts: 2298
mmm . . . can you translate that into English? not that i'm not excited anyway ;-)
Total posts: 1323
cox can burn in hell
Total posts: 1076
i concur. i used to work for em.
Total posts: 1323
Total posts: 5115
So now whenever I see cox I'll think of you Matt.
Total posts: 4327
Translation: Cox Cable is going to be running software made by Harris to put all the little graphics that are overlayed on your TV. These graphics might include things such as station logos the annoying little "coming up next" stuff that pops up in the corner of your screen while you're trying to watch your show and other fun things.

I have nothing to do with this software nor anything television related :-)
Total posts: 4327
I helped develop the "Media Collaborator" that's mentioned in the article and I know the guy on the left with the crew cut and the goatee. dont let his current appearance fool you he's actually a lumberjack.lumberjack.png