Total posts: 2398
10/21/2008 6:12 AM
Who'd paint up for the game?
5 people:
1 2 3 4 5
C K !
3 people:
1 2 3
I'll think of better ones later
Total posts: 897
10/21/2008 8:10 AM
i'll be down there for the whole weekend. not sure about a costume yet. i was hoping there would be a last minute trip to the store?
Total posts: 69
10/22/2008 2:00 AM
There's a place called Earth City?! That's awesome. I'll do my best to find the rest of my costume...
Total posts: 4327
10/30/2008 1:18 AM
oh man. i almost crapped myself this morning when i came up with my costume. but that's just because i had to poop. and then after i took a dump i almost crapped myself when i thought of my costume again. so i guess it's a good idea.
Total posts: 4327
10/30/2008 3:10 AM
btw we should carve this into our pumpkin
Total posts: 2398
10/30/2008 3:52 AM
My friend Lisa's throwing a party up in Duluth you guys interested? They're going to have a costume contest and a keg..of Sweetwater 420!!1 :O Lisa was a cs major at tech maybe a year ahead of us so you might've had classes with her matt. Anyways it's an option. I told her i'd bring like 4-5 people if I came and she said that's cool.
Total posts: 4327
10/31/2008 9:44 AM
looks like we've got a divided front for the 409 tonight. shawn dwayne steph and new soon-to-be-recruit Teela Tequila will be heading off to the Wednesday Night Drinking Club party and the rest of the bunch will be semi-crashing Lisa's party in Duluth.
Here's who I've got for that party: Arif Drew Matt Rachel Hannah Mark Steven Beth? Jill. You'll notice that V's name is not listed -- that's because V has boycotted holidays and fun.
Steph and T are coming to our house for dinner / getting ready and then meeting up with Shawn. Steven said he could end up at our house around 7-7:30 at which time he would need to acquire a costume of sorts or go thrifting in my closet.
Any more people / details?
Total posts: 1367
10/31/2008 10:04 AM
I am recommending that whoever comes to the game tomorrow be in some sort of costume.
Total posts: 1367
11/1/2008 5:57 AM
Twisted Taco was raging success. Apparently the line got really long towards midnight. Many great comments on the Pope costume. I gave out quite a few blessings. It also worked out well for the tab. Pictures soon.
Bartender: "Name?"
Me: "Pope"
Bartender: "No Really"
Me: "Seriously"
Total posts: 2298
11/1/2008 10:18 AM