
The best damn waste of time!

so we're drunk for the after miami day

Total posts: 2298
yes you can't see much of the 'package' that I brought with me to the party. Let's just say good thing all the ladies at the party were old and haggish.

Speaking of really creepy things I knew this guy and shadowed him at Grady some. adsfmasie)(GE(@@$J. Sorry had teh heebly jeeblies. Here the come again. HEebly JEEBly
I guess things just aren't good out there for 47-year old child molesting doctors. : p

OMFG - Read his blog entry - Tough Night - July 22 - that was teh day I shadowed him! !!
. . .
Total posts: 2398
omg don't let him see your halloween costume... ::shudders::
Total posts: 5115
Definitive: Pedophiles like Coldplay
Total posts: 1367
Didn't anyone think that it was weird that he had pictures of young boys on his myspace page?
Total posts: 2298
good point. but i guess that's not proof enough to do anything. creepsville.
Total posts: 4328
and how. I think club409 took it down pretty hard that weekend.. its safe to say we one the whole damn thing.