
The best damn waste of time!

Hate Mongers

Total posts: 2298
They're back! Just in case you forgot that "Homo Sex is Sin" and that Mother Theresa and all the other Mary worshippers and Jews and Wiccans and Muslims and sech will be gondoliers on the Lake of Fire they'll be out to remind us again at GT's Free Speech Zone (where the flagpoles are near the student center) tomorrow from 12-4pm. Today I stripped to my skivvies and danced around an uncomfortable bible-slapper. What will tomorrow bring? Will you join me in saying "I will not tolerate the intolerant!"? Give me a call and let's make mean people feel awkward in public!
Total posts: 4328
lolercakes.. reminds me of the time i rode your back in homosin while you were a tour guide for prospective students. good times good times.
Total posts: 2298
yeahhhhh that was a classic :-D
Today i got hold of a Calculus book and stood next to a shouting bible-thumper in front of that outdoor stadium thing and started loudly preaching about the Fundamental Theorum and the lies taught to us about such myths as a "Fourth Dimension." I got many Amens from my brothers. The preacher however got pissed and ended up trying to push me which was funny cuase all of the sudden the dean of students shows up out of no where to tell me to leave the little stage area because the 'had it reserved.' Thus the 'free speech area' once again becomes the 'limited speech area.' The worst thing about it tho was that some of these guys had their kids along carrying signs about shit like sifilis being punishment for promiscuity. poor little brainwashed bastards. This one time a guy tried to get me on camera to embarras me by making some point but suddenly turned it off and had to go turn up the speaker or something when i got him all confounded on the point of whether expressing "god's judgement of sinners" was judgement itself and if not did it mean that they were ok with sinners but if so did it mean that they did not see all people as having equal value? At that point i turned to the nearest African American fellow and asked if I was allowed to judge or mistreat him because of a reason really unrelated to his worth at all. Convoluded Logic really is my only skill in life hence my aim sn. It's total bullshit and of course an unsound argument but i just love trying them up in their own kind of bullshit! hehe! Dispite this the striptease and more taunting (because I think these guys have probably gotten plenty of shit before from people) i still got invited to pizza after the game! Of course they wouldn't be IN the game since its some sort of pigdolotry (apparently they are unaware of new "rubber" technology used in footballs). anyway we saw them when they came out and they said they would meet us at Rocky Mountain in an hour but of course "forgot" claiming that they thought it would be too late for me (12:30!?) hah. anyway i dont know why you're reading this crap. if you want to harrass any of these guys (apparently this is their vacation from a normal job - wtf kind of vacation is that? they did go to mardi gras tho. to protest the homos.) i got a few business cards and info.

Ruben Israel
cell: (526) 619-7363
from los angeles part of the LA chaper of Bible Believers

Michael Anderson
Answering the Call Ministry
(their mission is to serve) {edit: idb}
(757) 427-7555

Yeah. They made V cry today. And she IS a member of Club 409 in addition to my gf so you know what that means. Fuck them very much!
Total posts: 1049
thanx :)
Total posts: 4328
boo on them.. gj with your logical conundrum mike. i like how they're the Official Street Preachers as though they have a rigorous certification process.
Total posts: 5115
Mike were you adamant in clarifying whether or not dinner at RMP was a date or not? One thing those people hate is mixed signals.

On a more global scale we all know how frustrating free speech can be. But if we work together we can stop the vitriol: Phase 1.
Total posts: 2298
Look I think people should be allowed to say what they want but it shouldnt necessarily be free. Maybe like $5 or a punch in the face per word.

As a matter of fact I did ask if it was a date but it rolled off the fat duck's back like so many cheeseburgers. I don't think it registered or the sound got absorbed by his cheeks. (PS he was kinda fat. in his words: "If your body is a temple I've built a cathedral.")
Total posts: 5115
Next time get on the street preaching about how God hates sloth and gluttony. It would makes Him vomit if he could. You can even wear a "No Fat Chicks" shirt. Yeah but on the back it could say "Fat Dudes = OK (more cushion for the pushin)"
Total posts: 5115
More free speech: beheading high prices

Made me el oh el.
Total posts: 5115
Liberlols rising above violence when convenient. Tolerating other ideas some of the time.

BTW the dude speaking is an ex-marine wounded in Vietnam. He took a bullet so they could have free speech. I'm sure he didn't want to exercise his rights himself. Assholes