
The best damn waste of time!

War and Peace in the Middle East

Total posts: 1367
Drew and Arif here is a picture that shows the range of Hezbollah's missiles with respect to Israel. Play by Play courtesy of wikipedia.
Total posts: 15
I was talking with a friend the other day and he said that a central influence on US support of israel is because some holy book said the apocalypse would come when muslims control israel? something about 'when the church on the rock is replaced with a mosque.'

Is that true?
Total posts: 2298
yes but it also says something about some flying monkeys. so watch out for those.
Total posts: 5115
mildly related: lol + liberals = lolberals OR liberlols? can't decide
Total posts: 2398
That's probably the torah but i don't know much about it. I do know that extreme natural disasters and the inability to distinguish between men and women (zomg she's a man baby) are two signs of the day of judgment.
Total posts: 5115
I wouldn't think it's the torah since it's older than Islam and all. Maybe one o' them fundamentalists decided it's in there though.
Total posts: 2298
well christianity is older than islam too.
Total posts: 2398
Well it probably says something like "the world will come to an end when terrorists with turbans take over israel." Perhaps it has more grandiose language but "terrorists with turbans" is a given.
Total posts: 4328
I think "liberlols" rolls off the tongue better. and that lady-dude (ladude?) is pretty hot.
Total posts: 5115
So Reuters runs photoshopped pictars in it's news releases. I'd give a link but it's all over the place. They're calling the phenomenon fauxtography.