
The best damn waste of time!

omg the internets

Total posts: 4318
man T callin me out on all kinds of mistakes today. ok the bash link is correct now. as for the timezone thing.. right now everyone is posting in central time. i have a bunch of changes that are currently commented out that will eventually make all posts be recorded in UTC. I have yet to write the part that will allow everyone to choose which timezone will be used when displaying the timestamps. I was making notes about this here.
Total posts: 310
look at you being all responsible. conrad must be so proud.
Total posts: 102
I am only proud when I see Pointy wearing nothing but a mangina. And that's followed by a feeling of nausea.
Total posts: 2394
I didn't know where to post this but I'm writing this post from my laptop through the internet on my phone (tethering) w00t! Now I can use my laptop to discover all kinds of absurdities and anomolies from anywhere I have phone signal. Of course t-mobile's coverage is teh suck but this is still cool and the connection speed is relatively fast for text-intensive sites. Unlimited data plan ftw!

edit: According to cnet's bandwidth meter the connection speed is slightly faster than dialup coming in at 69.5 Kbps!
Total posts: 5111
WTG? internet shens some posts got deleted i think
Total posts: 2298
yah thats no good
Total posts: 2298
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo D:
Total posts: 4318
I think these are my favorite kind of limericks (taken from the limerickdb):

If you catch a Chinchilla in Chile
And cut off its beard willy-nilly
You can honestly say
That you have just made
A Chilean Chinchilla's chin chilly
Total posts: 5111
pulls off the approximate rhyme even
Total posts: 208
I have sat around all day wondering what my 100th post should be now that michael put the pressure on to come up with something entertaining. Now I am going to waste it just to say that it's fitting that this limerick is about chile and I am living in Chile. oh well.