
The best damn waste of time!

Job offer but not in pr0n industry :-(

Total posts: 51
So seeing as how most of y'all are newly grads with your coding skills affirmed by diplomas and senior design projects I'm extending a job offer from my brother-in-law's ex-company.

GoAhead Solutions is willing to offer up 1500-2000 EURO in monthly living expenses for a Siebel/Debian/Oracle/(insert other databasing language/software/food product) "expert." Only drawback if you choose to see it as one is that the project will be run out of London England.

Not quite sure what the salary is going to be like but with living expenses that high I'm sure the salary will only be as promising. As a sidenote I believe my bro's salary was near six-figures if not higher so think about it and if you're interested or know anyone who might be a good candidate you can e-mail me at
Total posts: 4328
ooh london.. i'll check my buddy list for CS major graduates and get back to you :-D