
The best damn waste of time!

the weird picture thread

Total posts: 5115
those are pretty good but i liked the first link
Total posts: 4328
(Updated 3/30/2010 4:44 AM)
Haha I forgot I made that error page. basically if you construct a URL that ends up parsing as a 0 for which page number of the thread you're on you get that msg. it would appear that a bunch of text when treated like a number in php comes out as a zero.
Total posts: 2398
Total posts: 1097
I could have used that last weekend.
Total posts: 4328
haha bill and I sang that karaoke style at my cousin Melanie's wedding.. her sister Alissa was white boy wasted and helping us sing and helping everyone else remember why she should have a 2 drink maximum
Total posts: 1097
I'm probably going to sing that on Thursday.
Total posts: 1076
membership has it's privileges
Total posts: 1323
i wish i had taken a picture but you'll just have to use your imagination:yesterday afternoon we were walking down bourbon street and right there on the street... 3 strippers in their thongs standing in the doorway of a club sharing a giant bag of cheetos
Total posts: 2398
god bless america!
Total posts: 5115
a story as old as time