if you go ahead and equi-size and compare them there are interesting patterns. lots of lights often means democrats. income seems often uncorrelated although high living expenses in big cities is a confounder - you can see some correlation in the great lakes manufacturing areas. I think the most interesting is the predominant ethnic background map - mexican and hispanic/spanish areas went blue in the southeast the germans all over and the english (read mormon) in utah went red native americans often went blue in opposition to their neighbors - look at south dakota and the areas of western-european immigration in the northeast (italian irish english french) went blue along with the cubans in Miami-Dade. Interestingly in the southeast counties that identified themselves as 'murrican on the 2000 US census almost always went red. and apparently they are the only people who marked 'american' on the US census . . . so THAT's where real america is ;-) also look at the random 'italian' county in florida where people come from new york to retire ;-)
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 2:45 PM
red/blue map with pop bars
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 2:48 PM
and in conclusion
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 2:54 PM
if you haven't seen enough . . . (just wait it changes!)
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 2:59 PM
now high-school graduation. outside of the city-higher ed correlation i see a low-graduation rate and manufacturing regions correlation and a high grad/hispanic/democrat correlation in the southeast
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 3:05 PM
aaahahah the mormons are reproducing ;-)
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 3:08 PM
DON'T JUDGE ME I'M PROCRASTINATING so interestingly if you're all the way poor or rich you liked obama
Total posts: 2298
11/9/2008 3:45 PM
very cool interesting maps you want to look at ooooh so pretty.