
The best damn waste of time!

I'm sure you guys wouldn't be interested in . . .

Total posts: 2398

warrior dash?  I have an old friend from WPB that might sign up and head to ATL for the event.  We have until April 22nd (or May 2nd the site is a little confusing) to sign up but let me know so we can be registered for the same wave.

Total posts: 1049

my brother already asked me to but I can't :-(  you should try to find him or go in his wave or something.

Total posts: 4327

So no takers on the Wrestlemania then?

Total posts: 1367

$94 is alot for anything and I am not a huge wrestling fan

Total posts: 4327

Arif I think you should get one of these rigs for the Warrior Dash

Total posts: 2398
(Updated 3/13/2011 3:30 PM)

Panahar tomorrow night?  Maybe around 7pm?

Also who's down for some shenanigans on St. Patty's (next thursday)?  Thrashers are playing the Flyers that day  so we coould go to the game followed by some authentic shens around town.  Stout (in east andrews) has $1 green beer all day long. :O  I'd also be down for skipping hockey and going to Fado's outdoor fest.

Total posts: 2398

A LAN party weekend the 4/09 weekend?  Justin has that week off so Laurie and Justin would down for driving to atlanta for some LAN / whirly ball action!  If you guys have plans that weekend go ahead and cancel/reschedule bc this is shaping up to be an epic weekend!!

Total posts: 5115

DOWN for Stout for St Pattys and LAN on 4/08 and 4/09

Total posts: 2398

Probably going to pub71 with steph and one of her friends although we could probably go to a few places.

Total posts: 1367

LAN parrty! I don't have a PC. Who's got one?