
The best damn waste of time!

Talk about movies

Total posts: 2398
The p.s. wasn't about the clap but it's true I never shared it with anyone but you.
Total posts: 5115
mike's in town? are we really doing TT? i'm down
Total posts: 4328
Rachel and I are down. dibs on my tanker.HTTM showing at northlake @ 8pm which is perfecto
Total posts: 1097
I was just in Alexandria.
Total posts: 5115
Clash of the Titans - Everything is pretty much what you'd expect if you've seen a trailer or commercial. Sam Worthington once again manages to be completely bland. I saw it in regular D because even though it's showing in 3D word on the street is that since it wasn't filmed in 3D it wasn't all that great. So why should you go see this movie? For one line uttered by a female character. I don't even want to hint at it it was so very perfect and wrong. You should just experience it yourself. Overall 3 out of 5 Scottish krakens named Phil. That's right Phil McKraken.
Total posts: 1076
why can't movies like this get a chance on the big screen?
Total posts: 5115
TTOW Iron Man 2 at 7 pm BE THERE
Total posts: 1097
I think I'm seeing Human Centipede this Friday night.
Total posts: 2398
Damn I got home at 7:15 but I didn't read 409 until now. :T On the plus side I cleaned up any remaining vomit flakes from my car so hopefully the smell will be gone for good! :|
Total posts: 5115
word whatever i'll go see it by myself first and then maybe later i'll go and you can ask me all kinds of dumb questions that you should already know the answer to if you cared about good video games