Total posts: 1368
5/22/2006 9:54 AM
Just a remember that 24 season finale is on at 8pm tonight eastern.
Total posts: 1368
5/22/2006 3:03 PM
I knew those Chinese would be back. So Jack finds himself in an Asian whorehouse.......
edit: I also toyed with the notion of Henderson not really being dead. I also thought that perhaps it was the Germans kidnapping Jack at the end.
Total posts: 4331
5/22/2006 3:04 PM
GODDAMN CHINESE. but seriously who didn't see it coming?
and i guess i called it wrong when henderson really was dead; i expected that shooting him like that was just part of his escape plan. oh well.
who's excited about next season? any predictions?
edit: beaten. i like where you're going with this shawn
Total posts: 5118
5/23/2006 4:24 AM
Jack Bauer vs. 1.3 billion Chinese. Sounds fair. I'm excited. I could deal with a season of Jack Bauer in exotic locales. I expect to hear from the Germans eventually too.
Total posts: 5118
6/22/2006 3:23 AM
Somebody blow the
road trip horn. It's go time.
It says to RSVP by last Friday but I think the T-shirts Mike and I got
yesterday should be able to get us in.
Total posts: 5118
6/26/2006 8:39 PM
Here's the road trip thing. I just put it here because I might watch it later. Or I'll prob rip the audio and put it on the trusty mp3 player and have something to listen to.
Total posts: 1368
7/26/2006 1:06 PM
24 Fan Map I went ahead and added Club409.
Total posts: 5118
7/26/2006 3:13 PM
I read that as "24 Fap Man" and I thought why doesn't he just watch the show?
Total posts: 4331
7/26/2006 3:52 PM
lolers.. it looks like we need to take a poll to fill out the 24 fan profile. so here's the questions with my answers:
Favorite CTU Agent: Chloe O'Brian
Most Sinister 24 Terrorist: Nina Myers
Favorite 24 Quote: "I dont have time to explain"
Total posts: 5118
7/26/2006 6:48 PM
Favorite CTU Agent: Chloe O'Brian
Most Sinister 24 Terrorist: Drunk Guy at the Bar
Favorite 24 Quote: Either "Kim run!" (just because that means a Elisha Cuthbert running scene) or "I'm gonna need a hacksaw"