
The best damn waste of time!

o noes

Total posts: 1097
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: da chinese are after me
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: :-(
SmoovestOfTheBs: they're going to kidnap you to convince your mom to defect
SmoovestOfTheBs: in the mean time
SmoovestOfTheBs: they'll indoctrinate you
SmoovestOfTheBs: so you think you're a geisha
SmoovestOfTheBs: they'll sell you to north korea
SmoovestOfTheBs: where you'll dance and serve tea to kim jong-il
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: oh god
SmoovestOfTheBs: until chuck norris comes to rescue you
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: :-\
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: i want jb
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: fuck chuck norris
SmoovestOfTheBs: on the bright side you get to meet chuck norris
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: chuck norris can die...i've seen it in bruce lee movies
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: i want jb
SmoovestOfTheBs: we might be able to swing the A-team if that's better
FuryOfAThousandScrotes: lol