
The best damn waste of time!


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Total posts: 5115

i've been thinking about reading the foundation series for a while now but the odyssey one series is in the kindle lender's library guess i'll give that a go sounds pretty interesting

Total posts: 5115

whoops i just finished homeworld and realized it's the third book in the series not the first i thought it was an easy and fun read but had a weird story structure to be a first book makes sense now i guess i'll imagine the others as prequels when i read them

Total posts: 1323

Finished the final book (chronologically) in the Foundation timeline. I definitely recommend reading them in the order they were published otherwise you'll miss out on the sense of betrayal from being repeatedly lied to since the prequels apparently spoil the plot twists.

Total posts: 5115
i remembered the gateway series from earlier in the thread and it looks like they're making a tv series maybe i'll give it a read
Total posts: 5115
caught up (down?) on odyssey one really enjoyed it and looking forward to more got 2 credits so i think i'll check out the gateway stuff while i'm riding around on my new bike after that i'm gonna need a sci-fi break well actually the wife bought me a nice hardcover foundation compilation from b&n after i listened to the first one on audible so i've got that waiting for me too
Total posts: 2298
Just finished the George smiley trilogy (tinkertailorsoldierspy honourable schoolboy smileys people)Although I had to read them with a dictionary I truly enjoyed the understated and hyper real spy craft that depends more on solid character development than superhuman feats although the scale of the story arc was big enough to be exciting; overall I'm glad I stumbled onto it and wish there were more George smileyAfterward I watched the TTSS movie and realized I would have liked the movie but I always always hate adaptations so I shouldnt have. Oh well
Total posts: 5115

another bonus for kindle reading is double clicking mysterious words for definitions never heard of that trilogy but i'll add a spy series to the reading queue i'm curious how michael recommendations ® hold up on the baby punching scale when applied to books 

Total posts: 1323

OMG OMG OMG Gateway series?! Can't wait! Although I wonder if it will really follow the book's plot or if it will be other characters in the same universe. Either way it should be awesome.

Total posts: 5115
2 months of audible free just make sure to disable the auto-renew once you redeem these come up every once in a while i have yet to pay for using audible at all