Waiting on getting database creds from Matt.
- Made Preferences extensible
- Added Open Link in New Tab
- Moved Reverse Post Order to
preference table
- Changed pager to show first
and last page number
V, I set your preference to true, so now all links within posts will open in a new tab. You can turn it off in preferences if you need to. Also, make mike create a profile, that lazy bastard!
Next up is search and remember me.
Edit: Remember me is actually working, but the problem is that Chrome now runs in the background by default, so closing the browser doesn't actually close chrome. I validated the feature by exiting Chrome.
Currently there is no session timeout in place. I'm going to set the timeout to 2 days. As long as you access the site during the timeout period, you won't have to login again, and you'll get another 2 days before being logged out. Let me know if you prefer a different timeout period.