Total posts: 1323
4/29/2006 7:42 AM
Total posts: 4327
4/29/2006 4:42 PM
lol i saw that one too... i was like... wtf
Total posts: 5115
5/3/2006 2:19 PM
Guys I have a confession. I'm typing a paper now (wednesday) but it's not due till 5pm Friday. I'm sorry if I let you down; hopefully you'll be able to make sense of it all.
Total posts: 4327
5/4/2006 2:33 AM
Does this mean mommy doesn't love daddy anymore?
Total posts: 5115
5/5/2006 9:01 AM
Looks like I just finished the above mentioned paper with a whole hour to spare. I guess that's an hour I could've been drinking beer and rocking out to harmonica...I suck
Total posts: 4327
5/5/2006 11:04 AM
we just have to take this in stride and move on drew. we can work through this.
Total posts: 1323
5/5/2006 3:03 PM
robot got second place! coulda got first if we spent the past 3 nights staying up coding all night long like the 1st place team but nah
Total posts: 1323
5/5/2006 3:47 PM
one of our practice runstho that was before the teacher changed everything and screwed it all up
Total posts: 4327
5/5/2006 5:31 PM
badass. you shoulda had some l33t CS students on your teem; they wouldn't have minded staying up the past 3 nights ;-P
Total posts: 1323
5/6/2006 2:39 AM
actually one of my team members is a former CS guy... but he's graduating so he was just glad it worked which we all pretty much agreeded to. winning had no effect on our grades just the consistency of the robot and ours was fairly consistent so we chose sleep over bragging rights.