
The best damn waste of time!

Workout Log

Total posts: 1048
I run 3 days a week and mostly feel like shit
Total posts: 2396
(Updated 4/19/2019 3:01 PM)
I still make it out for Sunday pickup and manage to hold my own.  I can't play more than 2 or 3 points at a time, so my endurance is pretty bad, but I can still make decent cuts.  I haven't run a timed mile in a while, but my friends and I visited St. Louis a few weeks back, and one of my friends is a big runner, so she signed up for a 4miler (she wants to run a race in every state).  I decided to do the 2 miler so i wasn't sitting around.  I don't recall my exact time, but it was around 18:30.  It's pretty slow, but given the hills and that it was like 45 degrees and drizzling, i'm satisfied.  It's sad to look back through this thread and see I was down to a 7:13 mile pace.  I'm probably back up to 8 minutes+ now. :(  One of these days i'll crack 7 minutes...

My work gives out $200/year for completing 5 activities through  One of the activities was to complete 150k steps in a month.  Back in february i had accrued about 130k by February 28th.  Of course I had to work all day that day, and then we were planning to visit my parents that weekend, and we didn't get there until about 10:30pm.  I managed to get in the last 20k by like 11:30pm, w00t!   I ran for about 40 minutes nonstop to get most of it in, haha.
Total posts: 4323
V, your candor is both appreciated and discouraging :-P

I've run every day so far, but day 1 was definitely maximum effort. Today's step counter is currently at 3012, so I need to get back out there.
My team is currently winning this week's matchup. Our opponents have 2 people that have yet to report in (and you only have 1 day grace period to enter, so they've at least missed out on any numbers for Wednesday).
Total posts: 4323
The 5th and final week of the Step Challenge is partway through. I've broken 10k steps thrice total:
  • Week 1 Day 1 -- when I went balls deep on fitness runs and walks
  • Week 2 Day 4 -- In Orlando, when I went to a park with Arif and Bryn, and then danced for a few hours at Josh and Kayla's anniversary party. I doubt the night was a net positive as far as physical health goes.
  • Week 5 day 1 -- when I went for a run in the morning, and then an extra long run in the evening.
I know the likelihood of my continued participation once the structured challenge ends is fairly low.. so I guess I need to give it my all this week and hope that I can coast until next year :-P
Total posts: 5115
For your last run, you should sprint the last leg as hard as you can then land in the recliner and then never move until the next challenge
Total posts: 2396
Recently started this workout fad again.  We'll see how long it lasts, but I've found a new challenge for myself.  I've been working on improving my mile time, which is currently at 8:03.  The other day I decided to run for 10 minutes instead of stopping at a mile, but I ended up running 1.5.  Then I saw I was close to 13 minutes so I ran to the half minute.  The next day I realized I missed an obvious opportunity, so I corrected it the next day: 
So my new goal is to improve my 1337 distance! :D

I managed to shave off 1 sec/mile on day two, w00t: 

Total posts: 1367
This reminded me of that time I tried to run with Veronica in Maggie Valley. Didn’t end well.
Total posts: 5115
That reminds me of the time I ran a mile as fast as i could with Veronica and I won except for the last lap when she overtook me and finished before I did, and that was only because I was tired and couldn't run as fast
Total posts: 2396
That reminds me of the time we started running to train for ultimate.  That one day of training was pretty intense.  Good times!
Total posts: 1048
Well you could all beat me now if it makes you feel any better. 

Back during the beginning of the shut down when I was working from home, my whole body (esp my back) started to feel awful from all the sitting I was doing. Even though I was still running the same amount each week, the change in my daily work activity was really affecting me. So I started doing short YouTube videos in the morning when I woke up so put just a little work into my strength and flexibility. I’ve kept that up even since going back to school in person. But I’m really not into like “working hard” or anything at 5 am. Really don’t wanna jump around a bunch. So I’ve become a fan of searching YouTube for “lazy workouts” which allow to to lay or sit down the entire time.