
The best damn waste of time!

409 game night

Total posts: 5118

from a solid weekend of hanging out and baby tossing in rock spring had a few good gaming rounds should've kept notes for the play by play since i don't remember a lot of it by now

catan: 4 person ffa arif matt drew rachel some back and forth long road drama iirc and a d card victory point sealed the deal for me

catan again: 5 person ffa w/ barb arif screwed up and should have won earlier but it took him a few more turns because everyone was conspirituding against him after that matt got close

civilization back at e-casa: me and arif arif strung together some stuff that pretty much wrecked my whole turn and he also got dudes in my base so he goes on to win economic victory pretty much sure though we've been playing the culture track wrong and that was what i was going for looking forward to playing it correctly

Total posts: 4332

There were quite a few sheep factories involved in this weekend's Catanigans.. probably want to notify the CSPCA that they should check out those breeding conditions. Also a very improbably low number of 5's rolled overall

Total posts: 1076

won the space race with mongolians

Total posts: 5118

interesting any city walls give you any problems?

Total posts: 1076

negatory. i was actually neighbors with china in game and because of my superior land grabbing early game i had two cities enveloped by their country. all was good until they decided to close their borders so i wiped them off the map. no one else gave me trouble but i developed nukes and got bored. so i picked a fight with greece and they ended up paying me quite handsomely after about the tenth icbm.

Total posts: 5118
Ah you're playing the pc version I've got the basic civ5 with no expansions we should get a game going
Total posts: 1076

my friend had a free copy of 4 on steam he gave me. it's not something i'm so into that i would purchase 5

Total posts: 5118
Yah I got 5 for doing a survey last year
Total posts: 5118
(Updated 1/1/2015 4:05 AM)

X-Wanzakkah 2014 update to the e-casa library:

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game - Players 1-5 Play time 45 min Med-low learning curve

A cooperative game where you recruit Marvel heroes into your hand to defeat bad guys and stop their plans. Barb and I are 3 and 1 and the 1 came at a 50% chance of winning based on the last card draw so we'll prob be upping the difficulty. Fun game and I think upping the difficulty will keep us from winning right when we're feeling powered up. Made by Upper Deck makers of some of the baseball cards you prob still have somewhere that kids don't care about anymore :(

A Touch of Evil - Players 2-8 Play time 2 hours Steep learning curve

I don't know anything about this one. Her brother got it for us and he's pretty knowledgeable about games so it's prob pretty good.

Total posts: 5118
the packers of catan