
The best damn waste of time!

409 game night

Total posts: 5118
With the holidays coming to a close we'll all be needing things to do to keep us busy and distracted from the emptiness in all our lives or we need to hang out and play games and maybe even drink. Therefore I propose 409 Game Night. The monthly / 1.5 times monthly evening where we play games. These can be video games board games or party games but absolutely no foolish games. It can vary from heavy strategic board games pictionary or dice games card games poker rock band kinect etc etc. The idea is to mix things up to keep it fresh.Here's the inventory post and add to it so we know what we got:Civilization - Players 2-4 (5 with expansion) Play time 3 hours Steep learning curvew00t got this for Christmas. It's similar in idea to the video game. You take your civilization to one of 4 victory conditions. Pretty big time investment and we'd probably have to play it multiple times to get into it. Seems really interesting though.Stargate SG-1: The Show: The Board Game - Players 2-6 Play time 2 hours Medium-Steep learning curveBarbie is way into SG-1 so I got her this for Christmas. I understand that it's got a Risk-esque mechanic but it's also in space so maybe mdw won't hate it.Samurai Swords (currently named Ikusa) - Players 2-5 Play time 3 hours Medium-Steep learning curveEnjoyed it the times we've played it. It has a ninja for hire. What else do you need to know?Billonaire - Players 2-4 Play time < 1 hour Med-low learning curvePretty good game that my grandparents had. Main idea is a blind bidding mechanic. Lighter fare.Key to the Kingdom - Players 2-6 Play time < 1 hour Low learning curveGot this for Christmas when I was a kid. You run around and collect treasure and try to escape. Mostly it's roll the dice and see what happens. But it's got a demon in it that moves around and kills you kind of like a ninja. And with a slight bit of creativity I'm sure it could be a drinking game.Others: Monopoly Risk etcSo what other games do we have? I know Rachel has a buttload of games and someone ended up with Dicecapades or something. After the new year let's set up some times and get it going.
Total posts: 1051

i'm down for boardgames.  videogames aren't my thang.  I'll be around MLK weekend.  that's my two cents.

Total posts: 2399

I'm down for some board gameage.   I'd be in favor of a weekly thing like tuesday nights or something where we can play a few of the shorter games or one of the more involved games like SG-1.   Then maybe one saturday a month we can play some of the more involved games like Civilization.  Matt you can borrow my table-flip shirt for those nights as a precursor to the rage quit.  Lol we need to add a caption to the shirt: "The original rage quit."  Maybe "DC Noob!" on the back haha

Cranium Sequence and Phase 10 are the others ones I can think of that we have at PMC. 

I'm thinking of getting YDKJ for the 360 which should be a good addition to game night.  The console version doesn't have any gibberish questions but it's still pretty fun. 

Total posts: 1368
(Updated 12/29/2011 9:47 AM)

By foolish games I assume you mean Apples to Apples Sequence and Phase 10. Basically the set of games where Rachel always wins.

I've always found Jewel to be pretty hot.

Total posts: 2399

There's also the card game called Rachel Wins which I never really played but vaguely remember from freshman year.  It involves a set of rules that are only remembered when convenient for rachel (for to win) hehe.  <3 

Jewel has some jacked up teeth but otherwise very hot.

p.s. - If anyone has a hankering for playing Risk now Landrule is pretty good.  It's free and you can play with 1-10 players.  You can set a shot clock of increments of 10 minutes up to 24 hours.  You can enable notifications so you know when it's your turn.  Unfortunately there's no contact/facebook integration but you can search for games by username.  My username is brownmagic if you want to play.

Total posts: 1097

You know who writes good poems? Jewel. Her teeth are crooked and she lived in a car so she has stuff to write about.

Total posts: 2399

PMC also has Cootie which I couldn't remember the name of until I saw this headline:  "Review: In "Devil Inside" Beelzebub is the new cooties".   

 I wouldn't mind playing some fives-up double 6 dominoes too. :)

Total posts: 5118

taking ideas for ultimate RISK:

- in the beginning for each territory a game of civilization shall be played winner gets that terrritory

- every battle across water requires a game of battleship

- japan = samurai swords

Total posts: 5118

arif and i had the inaugural game of civilization last night my russian commies vs his roman republicans ended with the commies getting off space flight ftw and a spite nuke for good measure i caught some breaks early and arif didn't but it's fun keeping track of every differnent thing going on took about 5 hours but the first 2 were figuring stuff out mostly it's actually not that diffucult to understand after the first two turns already plotting my next strategy...

Total posts: 5118

house rule: i just decided if you're american and go republican you must refer to it as "strategery"