
The best damn waste of time!

Calling on you computer nerds

Total posts: 2298
OK so i know you guys don't REALLY work for a living so how about a script to do this:
enter a word with on letter followed by a $ (eg ka$hn)
that word gets searched for in google with incrementing numbers of that character.
the script returns a histogram of letter repettitions vs. search results and continues increasing until say 10 or so searchers get no hits.

eg kahn gets ~21 million hits kaan gets 4000 kaaan gets 13000 and ka(x6)n through ka(x30)n dwindles slowly from 500ish has its ups and downs to zero.

other ideas: you$ me$ yes$ go$al "that's a hu$ge bitch" fu$ck ro$ethlisberger
Total posts: 4323
sounds like fun :-D
Total posts: 2298
oops should have posted that under teh not doing a paper thread
Total posts: 4323
duly noted.

searching for: kahn
0 : 21000000
searching for: kaahn
1 : 4100
searching for: kaaahn
2 : 13000
searching for: kaaaahn
3 : 1920
searching for: kaaaaahn
4 : 526
searching for: kaaaaaahn
5 : 444
searching for: kaaaaaaahn
6 : 54
searching for: kaaaaaaaahn
7 : 45
searching for: kaaaaaaaaahn
8 : 33
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaahn
9 : 27
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaahn
10 : 47
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaahn
11 : 25
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
12 : 18
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
13 : 9
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
14 : 157
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
15 : 9
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
16 : 5
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
17 : 6
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
18 : 4
searching for: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn
19 : 8
Total posts: 4323
The number before the ":" is the number of times ive replaced the $ with the previous letter. the number after is the estimated result set size.

Emperical analysis shows that my search differs from hitting up the main site. One possibility is that i enabled safe search but i dont think that's the whole story.

anyway i'll be messing with this in the coming days after i get back from thanksgiving :)
Total posts: 4323
I'm also periodically getting Server 500 errors from google so I think there's more than meets the eye on what server i'm being re-directed to for my query.

speaking of more than meets the eye who can't wait to see transformers zomg
Total posts: 4323
I suppose the next step would be to make it show up in a histogram of sorts but i'm not up for it right now.. In the mean time here's example search number 2:

searching for: goal
0 : 308000000
searching for: gooal
1 : 1300
searching for: goooal
2 : 3760
searching for: gooooal
3 : 7150
searching for: goooooal
4 : 2290
searching for: gooooooal
5 : 973
searching for: goooooooal
6 : 940
searching for: gooooooooal
7 : 586
searching for: goooooooooal
8 : 521
searching for: gooooooooooal
9 : 394
searching for: goooooooooooal
10 : 332
searching for: gooooooooooooal
11 : 390
searching for: goooooooooooooal
12 : 177
searching for: gooooooooooooooal
13 : 181
searching for: goooooooooooooooal
14 : 129
searching for: gooooooooooooooooal
15 : 144
searching for: goooooooooooooooooal
16 : 104
searching for: gooooooooooooooooooal
17 : 114
searching for: goooooooooooooooooooal
18 : 125
searching for: gooooooooooooooooooooal
19 : 62
Total posts: 1323
excel noob
Total posts: 1367
what about go$a$l ?
Total posts: 2298
then you got the problem of squaring the number of iterations. but sure why not.