
The best damn waste of time!

NCAA Football

Total posts: 4323

Miami had that whole scandal with the booster that was buying outrageous things for players. The school "still has not been presented with its notice of allegations from the NCAA"[2] so they're hoping for leniency if they do all this self-imposed stuff before the hammer drops.

Total posts: 4323

As for what it means -- it means they aren't playing in a bowl this year which means we're division champs by default. This is where I link to a clip from the Simpsons S05E15 (Deep Space Homer) where Homer becomes the chosen astronaut because of Barney's relapse. However I can't find it on youtube and I dont want to link to any irreputable sites.

Total posts: 2396
CJ set the 17-year old single season receiving record previously held b y Jerry Rice. How did he celebrate? By hugging his dad: What a humble bad ass! C-J! CJ!
Total posts: 1323

craziest extra point you'll see all year:

Total posts: 1048
Last week, Ada’s top puns during the GT game were referring to Louisville as “Loseville” and then “‘Personal foul!’ I think they mean’Personal FAIL!’” 

I look forward to what she comes up with this week. 
Total posts: 1367
I went to the game and I was back on the GT bandwagon for about 20 mins.
Total posts: 1048
Michael was watching the Arkansas game and said “we’re losing to the Mormons” and Ada goes “you mean the Moron-mons”
Total posts: 4323
got 'em! zing!
Total posts: 1048
“More like FAKE Forest!”
Total posts: 1048
Josie countered with “WEAK Forest” which is better