
The best damn waste of time!

Study Shows That

Total posts: 5115
more cell phone shens - ok i'm sick off all this speculation i say mythbusters needs to step up and figure it out once and for all and see if they can give somebody cancer
Total posts: 1097
Way to publish a story on it before the paper's even been accepted Independent.
Total posts: 5115
whatever those peers are all telecom goons
Total posts: 5115
if you want your kids to be dumb don't eat fish or do
Total posts: 208
they should really just take an omega-3 supplement. and whoever wrote this needs to get their serving sizes right. one serving of meet = 3oz not 6.
Total posts: 2397
One serving of my meat is 16 oz so you're both wrong!
Total posts: 2298
whatever 1 serving of meat is 3 beers
Total posts: 5115
finally a study with far-reaching implications

New policy: Ant carcass desecration and elimination must follow every extermination.

Victory will be achieved only through superior will and intellect.
Total posts: 2298
. . . if you haven't watched all of these your life is a hollow funny-smelling box-turtle shell. but 4srs watch these and be whole.

ps you have to get an account but so far no junkmail plus you don't have to confirm so use bogus email

pps from site: "Hulu was founded in March 2007 and is a joint venture owned by NBC Universal and News Corp. In addition Hulu has closed a $100 million investment from private equity firm Providence Equity Partners."