
The best damn waste of time!

Study Shows That

Total posts: 5115
cell phone shens
Total posts: 5115
more cell phone shens feat. jews
Total posts: 5115
wonder what matthew cogburn is up to
Total posts: 1
Secret Nazi Treasure
Total posts: 1097
Wizard's Precious Treasure
Total posts: 2298

"It can't be iron" Haustein said as work progressed at the site. "The computer readout clearly indicates gold."

*beep boop beep*
Total posts: 2298
Karl Marx didn't get the cool peices.
Total posts: 1323
Into their coffee shops and houses the children were building their assumptions about ownership and the social power it conveys — assumptions that mirrored those of a class-based capitalist society — a society that we teachers believe to be unjust and oppressive.

i can smell their hippie stench from here
Total posts: 1367
NBC News "Predator" series gets sued.

From the story:
The suit was brought by the sister of William Conradt Jr. an assistant district attorney in Rockland County Texas who shot himself in the head after a local police SWAT team accompanied by a "Dateline" crew surrounded his house and moved in to arrest him in November 2006.

Walter Weiss a former detective with the police department that partnered with Dateline and who has since left the force in disgust told "20/20" "I understand he took his own life but I have a feeling that he took his own life when he looked out the door and saw there was a bunch of television cameras outside."