
The best damn waste of time!

i want one

Total posts: 5120
yea WTH?
Total posts: 1051
michael would probably think it was funny to put my life at risk like that. not funny :-(
Total posts: 2298
i might have been on drugs or something sorry
Total posts: 5120
Total posts: 2399
What would you do with an invisible cloak?

I'm pretty sure I'd scare people until that got old and then I'd just try to figure out ways to see women naked.
Total posts: 2298
what do y'all think? matt i know your mom had one but you seemed kinda peeved with it yourself. i just want something uber simple/cheap that is reliable (unlike this piece 'o shite). or maybe the 12? I'm pretty sure i'd get the ubuntu for simplicity and to keep myself from the temptation to install to much stuff. thoughts?

i sure hope computers cant read . . .
Total posts: 4333
well actually the only problem i found with the mini 9 is that the keyboard is a little small so it'd take a while to get used to typing on it.. but after that it'd be ok.

mini 12 looks fun. a lot of new models of netbooks / UMPCs / mobile internet device / whatever you want to call them came out this year at CES.. I don't know when any of them will actually be available for consumer purchase but you might want to check a few of them out. i dont have a delightfully concise list of links for you but i can suggest as a place to start.
Total posts: 2298
Total posts: 4333
i think his iobridge stuff is taking a hit b/c it was posted on engadget but whenever that quiets down you can check out this guy's real time power consumption graph.. he hooked up some sensors on his main lines and sends the data every 10 seconds to the internets.

real time power blog
Total posts: 4333
neuros LINK - dunno if i want one but i'll just leave this here in case i want to reference it later