
The best damn waste of time!

Game on

Total posts: 5118
(Updated 11/22/2020 7:56 PM)
Elite dangerous is free for pc on the epic games store until the 26th which means you'll have to make a free account with epic games so only give them the info you think they might share with gyna,

Been at it for a couple hours now, still grokking it out, who wants to form up and go get griefed?
Total posts: 5118
I bought 3 months of xbox game pass ultimate for $1 and I don't know what it includes but I feel like I need to take the next 3 months off of working and dadding to make sure I get my money's worth
Total posts: 2399
TTS / G this weekend?  Saturday night around 9-9:30?  Going to try to get my from Drew (that i know from Orlando Ultimate) to join for TTS.
Total posts: 5118
Wtf enjoy your other Drew then

I don't know i might be on the road this weekend tbd
Total posts: 2399
Other Drew is down, so be there or be:
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Total posts: 1368
(Updated 1/24/2021 7:37 PM)
Would have liked to join but the second child hit us like a freight train. We stable at 7 weeks but it’s been a rough journey. All good stuff but not too much sleep happening
Total posts: 2399
wife and kids are out of town this weekend until monday, if anyone is down for some shenanigans.

Drew G, Aryn and I played several rounds of Concept, and 1 epic round of Pandemic.  I was the Scientist, Drew was the Quarantine Specialist, and Aryn was the Operations Expert.  We ended up with 7 outbreaks and were basically 1 turn away from a guaranteed loss, but we managed to eek out a win just in the nick of time!
Total posts: 5118
my rock band 2 hardware is starting to fail, drum set is def missing some hits and since i rearranged the house the xbox360 isn't even hooked up right now, thinking about getting rid of the hardware since it's just taking up space and is frustrating to use, but i had all these aspirations of rock band 2 family game nights where i continuously own jeremiah with sick drum skills
Total posts: 5118
Started taking an interest in the upcoming Steam Deck as something that I might be able to use, dedicated time in front of the tv or pc is pretty rare so maybe this would help get some gaming in? If I docked it I wonder if I could sell it to Barbie that it's basically a regular computer that I'm going to need anyways babe might as well be a gaming machine too, although my paid-for laptop is actually pretty healthy rn hmmm
Total posts: 5118
Got up the nerve to tell Barbie I was thinking about a steam deck and she said she might want one too, not really sure what to do right now