
The best damn waste of time!

New Features

Total posts: 51
Request: could it be possible to have multiple avatars and be able to choose from them. Possibly put a limit on the number of avatars used if space is an issue.

And with the reverse order feature I thought it should be reversed throughout the entire thread and not just that page.
Total posts: 4318
welcome to the party noob :-P You actually can have more than one avatar on the site. after you log in check the "Edit your account" link in the top right corner. it should allow you to upload a new picture for your avatar.

as for the "reverse order" feature and its behavior please refer to an earlier post that explains why it is the way it is.
Total posts: 51
Ah must've overlooked the reverse order explanation.

For the avatars I was looking for more of an on-the-fly approach.
i.e. If I had three avatars and wanted to choose avatar #2 for this post I wouldn't have to go to my preferences and edit the whole account thing.

Granted I am pretty lazy but its a new feature that I demand. If I don't get it I'm calling it a hate crime and Johnny Cochran will rise from the dead to sue you.
Total posts: 1097
gnomes are cooler than asians
Total posts: 4318
david i believe Reality and your concept of an avatar are at odds. The avatar is there to identify your posts and for you to provide a clever-silly-small picture to add to the cornucopia of humor that is club409. Much as the post count that shows up with every post is a grande total (and not the individual index of that particular post) if you change your avatar it changes for every post. The only time this becomes a problem in terms of 'changing history' (which I have been vocally against from the get-go) is when a thread is started (or a post is made) in reference to someone's avatar. Of course this is an isolated scenario but one which should be addressed.

more to come on the next episode of "matt explains things to asians"
Total posts: 1097
I think what David (not the gnome) is talking about is more along the lines of custom smilies. A poster could include a small picture in a post to give a sense of his or her mood. Kind of like "I'm wearing my angry hat right now." Which incidentally reminds me of how awesome it is when David the Gnome is angry. Correct me if I'm wrong David.

P.S. Why haven't we figured something out with Jack Bauer yet? Can we have a "WWJBD about your dumb suggestion?" thread already?
Total posts: 4318
well you're always welcome to start a "WWJBD" thread and answer it yourself; however the original request implied (or expressly stated i forget) an automated response. this is by no means a simple undertaking and would indeed be a worthy candidate for my masters thesis in artificial intelligence.

and yes emoticons are on the list of things to do. but i'm in school right now and even though you cant tell by my study habits i'm trying to focus on getting some end-of-the-year projects done.
Total posts: 4318
Check the list o' Usefuls for the newest feature
Total posts: 2394
Can we have a "smear-poo" button added? You supply a name and when one clicks the button that name gets smeared with poo!

I don't think we have enough hostility amongst each other perhaps such a button could fuel the fire.

Perhaps it could pick a random name to poo on.
Total posts: 4318
This name-pooing button sounds promising. It will go in the same hostility utility belt as the "do something random to shawn" button.