
The best damn waste of time!

New Features

Total posts: 4318
Taken care of
Total posts: 1097
Is this the first thread with four pages?

Additionally the first time in this thread that matt didn't start a new page with something like "zomg new page?"
Total posts: 1323
zomg no zomg!

p.s. the login doesnt bring you to the right page :|
Total posts: 4318
explain yourself.. which login and which page is the "right" page?
Total posts: 1323
try this: logout go to a multipage thread then go to a different page then hit the back button on the browser then click login at the top right. it brings you to the 2nd page you went to not the one you were currently on :p
Total posts: 4318
that behavior only happens when you use the back button. every time you load a page it sets a session variable to the address of that page so the login script knows where to send u back to once it finishes logging you in. sorry for the inconvenience; dont use the back button before logging in :-P
Total posts: 1097
thread search option
Total posts: 4318
alright kiddies.. I'll let you discover the newest feature for yourself: log in and then look at the list of people logged in.
Total posts: 1323
Total posts: 51
Umm your link archive page is a little buggy. It'll list the links but not the user who posted. It worked before; broken recently?