
The best damn waste of time!


Total posts: 1368
(Updated 4/14/2015 3:19 PM)

Pay what you want it goes to charity. I'm about to try this out.

Update: Says you have to pay $1 for Origin and Steam keys I don't know what this means so I put in $2 just to be safe.

Looks like this deal is available for the next two weeks

Total posts: 5118

from what i can tell only some of the games will come with steam keys i don't think g will have a steam key so it will be from origin either way i'm down for one keeps me ever having to say i can't find my generals disc

Total posts: 5118

confirm g does not have steam key i uninstalled my disc generals going to install origin then g from there

Total posts: 4332

You guys this bundle also includes MOHAA. They should throw in GTA3 and call it "Howell 3F 2002 Bundle." Can never have too many legit copies of G I'm in

Total posts: 4332

Steam games:

Dragon Age: Origins
Dead Space 2
Bejeweled 3
Mass Effect 2
Total posts: 5118

ok so we need to set up a time/method for some g sunday evening?

also there's the direct connect method for making games in g did we ever try that back in the day?

Total posts: 1368

Yeah I didn't catch the donate above the average and get the other games listed. Didn't matter because MOHAA was in the first group. I can definitely see building up a modest game library and then never playing any of them.

Total posts: 4332

That's exactly where I am with my Humble Bundle purchases much like Steam sales.

Total posts: 1368

Played my first game last night against easy. Definitely had some issues with navigating the map but it started to come back. First game I put us both on the same team. Took about 5 minutes for me to realize why nothing was happening.

Total posts: 4332

Ctrl-click his ass into oblivion