
The best damn waste of time!

How tired are you?

Total posts: 1366
I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and am dying right now. I hypothesize that Arif and Mike will have the most lack of sleep among 409'ers
Total posts: 2394
(Updated 5/31/2011 7:31 AM)

I'm going on 2 hours of sleep and I don't really have anything to do yet. I've made 2 bathroom trips three water cooler trips and bought some juicy fruit for the first time in several years. Was the gum always yellow? I'm pretty sure it used to be off-white but now it's bright yellow.

Anyways can't stay awake!

Edit: I was correct

Total posts: 1076

ever since i bought starcraft 2 my circadian rhythm has been jacked up

Total posts: 2394

+1 bathroom break.

+1 water break.

I could use one of those contraptions used during the main character's rehabilitiation in A Clockwork Orange to keep my eyes pried open.  Plus an assistant to periodically water my eyeballs of course and perhaps some Ludwig Van to help set the mood.  Maybe top it all off with a glass of milk and that broad from the rehabilitation demonstration.  

Ok maybe just the broad and for the clock to say 5:30 PM!

Total posts: 1045

i was under the impression it was spelled "brawd"....?

Total posts: 2394
Google Search of broad vs brawd says your impressions are equivalent to that of an small female adolescent. :P O'lay!
Total posts: 2298

i was under the impression it was spelled "olé"....?

Total posts: 2394
(Updated 6/9/2011 6:38 AM)


I suppose staying up until 2am to watch Sin City wasn't the best idea but it was a good movie.  So sleepy!

I was? under the impression? it was? spelled "olé"?  

I was under the impression that ellipses consist of three periods instead of four...?  Unless they are used at the end of a sentence like this....  hanging question mark?