
The best damn waste of time!

Fun Times

Total posts: 751
So I defend my dissertation this afternoon. Couldn't ask for better timing than presenting work about methods for nuclear reactor analysis exactly during a sensationalized disaster at a nuclear plant in Japan. It's great when news organizations can't be bothered to fact check anything that they publish. CNN is reporting that radiation dose rates at the plant are 100-400 millisieverts per hour and dose levels of 100 millisieverts have been shown to increase cancer risks. The actual dose rates being released are 100-400 MICROsieverts only a factor of 1000 off. Looking forward to all attention being focused on the events in Japan rather than the work I've actually done.
Total posts: 4318

I blame the metric system for using the same letter more than once in the prefixes. I propose a new standard for measuring radiation which will be derived from bushels pounds and horsepower. I'll name it the bushpound which will incidentally coincide with the name of our S&M club in South Florida.

Total posts: 5111

or the horsepound for the other club in west virginia

Total posts: 1366

bhooty truf

Total posts: 4318

So when do we find out if you're Dr. Steven?

Total posts: 751

They signed off on my dissertation today but I won't officially have the degree until May 9.

Total posts: 2298
(Updated 3/16/2011 7:19 PM)

noice! doctor . . .