
The best damn waste of time!

Version 4 Bugs & Missing Features

Total posts: 4318
RSS feed isn't ported yet
Total posts: 4318
(Updated 8/25/2009 5:18 PM)
the archive thread used to be listed newest on page 1 oldest on page 59.. now that it's displayed in a manner consistent with the rest of the page any links to pages in the archive thread go to the wrong place.should be an easy fix set pagenum = (60-pagenum).. unless there's some crazy gotcha buried in this problem.edit: of course there's a gotcha. there's only 10 posts on the new page 59 but there used to be 20 posts on the old "page 1" of the archive thread.. so there's an offset thing goin on there. it's on my list.edit: fix't
Total posts: 5111
  • external links don't pop up in to new windows
Total posts: 4318
(Updated 8/25/2009 5:21 PM)
any references to old avatars (i.e. the entire avatars thread) are 404'ed since i moved the avatar location..+1 todo
Total posts: 2394
First of all I want to thank you for all your hard work putting 409 together and actually responding to our ridiculous requests. I honestly wouldn't communicate with you guys this often if 409 wasn't around. And when it's down I get a small panic attack like someone just stole my security blanket! :) ANYways.. I haven't been able to use all the new features yet but I noticed that the first displayed post in a thread is labeled #1 regardless of post order. so if I link to post #2 with my newest first preference does that link to post #2 for people with oldest first? I haven't been able to test this since I'm on my phone but it seems like it won't work unless you number them universally. So post # should be assigned by order of post date not display order.The you tube link doesn't work on my phone.Another nice2have feature for people who take more than 10 minutes to write a post: if session has timed out before submitting a post print the post text box contents to the "you must login to create posts" page. Just say: " here's what you were trying to post: [postText]". Most of the time you can just hit back on the browser but some times it's not cached and you have to retype that hge post that took longer than 10 minutes to write in the first place! Like I said this is a nice to have that doesn't affect most people.
Total posts: 4318
(Updated 8/25/2009 6:29 PM)
post # is the unique ID in the post table has nothing to do with where it sits on the page.. not sure what you mean by "labeled #1".edit: if you're talking about the URL you see when you mouse-over my name that's a link to view my profile (which is at user/view/1 since my user ID is 1)that's odd that the session is timing out for you after 10 minutes maybe it's an iphone thing.. it's supposed to keep the session alive until you close your browser =[
Total posts: 2298
Total posts: 4318
i tried to make it the least change-y possible except for the nice new features :) can't please everybody all the time.. but at least you can please yourself
Total posts: 5111
all the time
Total posts: 2394
(Updated 8/26/2009 5:51 AM)
yeah I noticed the numbers listed in the link--no mouse over for phones.:( maybe you can print the post # below the posted date?I know the usernames are links but the reddness is visually distracting. whenever I scan down the page my eyes are drawn to their crimson fiery boldness like deep red pubes on a pasty white body! ok so i'm slightly exaggerating but I liked it better when the names were black.another thing that is annoying: threads that you've recently read and posted to show up as unread. so i'm like "wow someone has responded already?...oh yeah I responded." edit: it appears that this may only be a problem on my phone which is fine.also posts don't alternate bg color anymore. this makes me sad.