
The best damn waste of time!

A Christmas Miracle

Total posts: 5111
wow beth first post on 409 and you call me out on misinformation GJ gj...

place we're actually going to for whirlyball
Total posts: 2394
Total posts: 4318
A Christmas Miracle indeed. Thanks to everyone who made this vacation one of the best I've had.

Incidentally Delta decided that my checked baggage shouldn't always arrive with me when I go places. I think it left Atlanta about an hour ago and Delta's going to deliver it to my apartment.
Total posts: 4318
Hay everybody.. I bumped this thread up to the top by fixing a post that referenced the old URL for the image server (my molestache picture). But I guess it's not such a bad thing that this thread find its way to the top.

Any miracles in the making this year? I'll be spending Christmas in Laurel MS at the new lake-on Winter compound.
Total posts: 1366
I want to go ice skating one night.
Total posts: 2394
I just received a $500 bonus for my last project w00t! Vegas here we come baby! $336 on 00 please! (Damn you taxes!)
Total posts: 1045
i wanna go ice skating too.
Total posts: 1366
I got $175 holiday bonus holla. Thats what you get for only being here 4 months. I am going to go out and buy a swimming pool.
Total posts: 2394
i'm down for skating I think I'm getting a little better! :) i know people are busy next saturday but what about next friday?
Total posts: 1045
im not available next friday. its my dad's bday so im heading to Lville to hang with my fam.