
The best damn waste of time!

Futher Mucking Wii Thread

Total posts: 5111
I'm sick of all this local integration so here it is: the Wii thread. We're taking it national. ITT talk about all things Wii incl upcoming concepts 409 projects and such.

LucasArts says they're all over Wii lightsaber game
Total posts: 5111
some notables:

kinda looks like it sucks and if you hold it like you naturally hold a gun the thumbstick is on the wrong thumb also it needs a retractable buttstock for increased BAness (hehe anus)

that's what i'm talking about
Total posts: 2394
My Wii's back in action! No data or settings were lost either! Thanks Cialis!

edit: BTW here's my digits:

Wii: 7923 0092 9887 7405

I expects adds soon!
Total posts: 4318
lol if that were the name of the Wii repair shop I'd probably shit my pants.
Total posts: 1097
I've given up on consoles and PC games are for poor people.

Join the Revolution
Total posts: 1097
Gah that's what I get for not reading all the updates.
Total posts: 2298
Wii's out again :(
More details to come from an angry door slamming Arif :-D
Total posts: 2298
Total posts: 4318
Wiiiiiiiii for Miiiiiiiii

I also got Mario Striker the rabbit game monkeyballz WiiPlay and a second nunchuck.

incidentally I bought it cuz i got a raise last friday (w00t).
Total posts: 2394
Hooray add Mii so our Wii's can play together! I think I need your digits to sync though.