
The best damn waste of time!

Happy Halloween

Total posts: 2298
blabl ab nm
Total posts: 1097
A whole new level
Total posts: 4318

I went to The County Line [watch out for the top flash banner -- turn ur spkrs down] last night.. there was a pimps & ho's theme and since I'm straight pimpin 24/7 I figured I might as well show up. I definitely saw more than my fair share of ass hangin out. What'd you kids do for halloween?
Total posts: 5111
Halloween at the collier ridge this year consisted of me shawn steph and two people i work with (the chick with the riding whip at the partay and another dude) hanging at the 4503 calling everyone we know asking where the party was then walking around the complex looking for trouble walking to papa johns to be turned away and meeting the neighbors across the corner who were all set up for trick or treaters but like 2 kids came by

so it was awesome
Total posts: 2298
my halloween was 1am text message from matt:
"Michael i heart u so much i cant even make a typo"
Total posts: 2394
Steph we could use something like this. It's way too expensive and it's kind of bright. Plus we need to get Jay Silver (scroll about a 1/3rd of the way down) to come help us with the lights. For those of you who don't know Steph is going to dress like one of these guys.

Or you could buy a poison ivy outfit and maybe some green leos to go over the middle.

OOorrr a green unitard!

Rivers edge has some too but unfortunately it takes 7 weeks to deliver! :(
Total posts: 1045
I'm stuck at ACCs for Halloween this year :*-(
Do you guys have plans though?
Total posts: 4318
i figure we'll be handing out candy to all the kids in our neighborhood


don't look at me with that "creeped out" face
Total posts: 53
maybe you guys can help me Last year we went at this.....

This year we were think as going as the jamacian bobsled team from cool runnings. all we need is a fat guy for john candy.

i would like to find something a little more well well like last years. somthing about cramming into an 8year old.......s costume is fun.
Total posts: 1045
or a 5-year-old's pajamas...::sigh:: michael...