Total posts: 897
11/12/2009 8:23 AM
(Updated 11/12/2009 8:24 AM)
it's the weekend of my company christmas party :-Palthough the party IS friday night...
Total posts: 1051
11/12/2009 10:43 AM
i think most of my teammates are coming back for the game and if they aren't im guessing they've already promised their tickets to someone else. but i'll ask around this weekend. im telling you not to count on me though.
Total posts: 2399
11/12/2009 1:35 PM
roadtrip! I'm down. I was going to suggest it but I figured people wouldn't be interested.
HoJo fo $48. I'll volunteer my car as long as I don't have to drive in the morning. :O
Total posts: 4333
11/12/2009 3:17 PM
what kind of place is "Town 'n' Country FL" anyway?
Total posts: 1323
11/15/2009 4:01 AM
way to go tigers! nice job slaughtering LA Tech 24-16! yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*facepalm*
Total posts: 751
11/19/2009 2:46 PM
given how fat and lazy he was
this doesn't come as a shock
Total posts: 751
11/19/2009 2:48 PM
so what's the status on the tampa trip? who's down? we ever figure out where the seats would be if we got tickets through tech?
Total posts: 2399
11/19/2009 6:08 PM
(Updated 11/19/2009 6:22 PM)
rach can you reserve a ticket for me if you haven't already? thanks! btw you could go to the party on friday and drive to PMC that night or come in the morning. I'm thinking we could leave around 10 and still have enough time to get plenty drunk before the game. I suppose it'd be a good idea to book the hotel room ahead of time.So I'm down for sure. would you still want to go if it was just you and me steve? I'm game. matt? rach? what say you?v any luck on tracking down a teammate that's not coming back for the game and willing to part with their buzzcard? that would be tres loin dehors! as in far out dude! or "sorry love no time to go loin dehors just here to check the meter!"
Total posts: 1051
11/20/2009 12:25 AM
no luck so far.
Total posts: 897
11/20/2009 12:32 AM
(Updated 11/20/2009 12:39 AM)
i'm out for the tampa trip. i'll look into tickets right now.Ok so they don't tell us where the tickets are just that they are assigned using A-T points. That's Alexander Thorpe fund points you get a certain amount every year you buy season tickets based on the amount you "donate" to the A-T fund. Anyway we don't have very many points since we've only had the tickets for 3 years. You can get $50 $75 or $125 tickets. I don't know more than that. You might be better off buying $50 tickets elsewhere. Let me know what you'd like me to do.