
The best damn waste of time!

NCAA Football

Total posts: 1051
72"? is that bigger than 65" michael?
Total posts: 897
Go Jackets!!! What a crazy game! Now we just have to beat VT and Miami has to lose to another ACC team. So...there is a chance. eee
Total posts: 1051
up to #19!!!!
Total posts: 2399
anyone want to go to the VT game with me? V is going to be out of town so she said I can have her buzzcard to get in the game. she might be able to buy a guest ticket for game but there's no guarantee yet. I'm gonna go ahead and say the IsStormFieldable flag is set to true on this one so it could make for an exciting game if we win. :D
Total posts: 1051
steven i got you a ticket to the game. yours and arif's are on my buzzcard so you have to go into the game together.
Total posts: 751
awesome thanks. if we win we're definitely storming the field. though i don't have too much confidence the way our defense was playing on saturday
Total posts: 897
Tailgating between the IC and Boggs from about 1 to 5. Food around 4:30 not sure what yet. Frisbee and ladder golf too.
Total posts: 2399
(Updated 10/14/2009 4:03 PM)
two of these should keep me content during the game no matter the outcome haha. I ordered it on my bosses tab last night at taco mac. I was looking for something with high alcohol content so I ordered it and the waitress comes back and says "you know it's a $24 beer right?" I wanted to say "did I studder?" but I did studder because I couldn't remember the name of the beer so I said "yeah whatev I'm not paying for it" it tastes kind of strange but the alcohol content/$ isn't that bad bc it was 25oz. matt did you ever talk to alek about a ticket? we could make this a drunken fun time and then continue the party at colmans! :O
Total posts: 4333
nah i never texted him.. is it too late already or could he get me a ticket today?
Total posts: 1051
i can't get anymore tickets just fyi.