Total posts: 53
12/31/2008 8:08 PM
Nice Game GTech. 35-3 at the half. i cant say i saw the ending. but hum.
p.s. Flame on.
Total posts: 1323
1/2/2009 3:42 PM
bama lost XD
Total posts: 1368
1/8/2009 4:30 AM
Article on on why Florida will win:
Tim Tebow is mad. Mad that he didn't win the Heisman Trophy. Giving freakishly competitive Tebow extra motivational fuel is like giving John Daly the keys to a Krispy Kreme bakery and a bottle of scotch. Very bad idea.
Total posts: 4333
1/8/2009 4:39 AM
if you don't already know we're big fans of
daly on this forum
Total posts: 2399
1/8/2009 5:07 AM
I say we go to this
Taco Mac for he BCS game tonight since it's kind of a central location between atl tucker and cumming. If the carter sisters aren't joinin us then I say we head to the one in
Lindbergh Station bc apparently the taco mac in Tucker doesn't participate in the passport club (wtfm?). I'm down for going to other bars but i'm more inclined to go to TM for the PPC!
Total posts: 2399
1/8/2009 6:40 PM
lindbergh station ftw! this is the only time you'll hear me say this: "go uf!" i just won 2 free drinks! incidently i lost a coolest hat in the world we lost at either taco mac or waffle house. oh well. you win some you lose some. "we can't all be winners"
Total posts: 1051
1/9/2009 1:12 AM
it must've ben at WaHo cuz you guys still had it in the parking lot after we left taco mac.
Total posts: 4333
1/9/2009 2:30 AM
dang we shoulda coulda gone back to get it.. maybe they've got a lost & found
Total posts: 2399
1/9/2009 6:02 AM
yeay my hat was in matt's car! w00t!
Total posts: 897
4/17/2009 12:24 AM
Saturday is the GT spring game. It's free to get in. I'd like to go it starts at noon with a performance by the cheerleaders (including Hannah for her last activity before retiring from college cheerleading) at 11:30. If anyone else wants to go let me know. It's going to be about 75 and sunny on Saturday so it should be a nice day to watch some football!