Total posts: 751
9/5/2008 5:34 PM
so who is around/watching the tech game? starts at noon if i'm not mistaken
Total posts: 1051
9/5/2008 5:38 PM
i plan on watching. it does indeed start at noon. does anybody know what channel it's on? i think it may be a GT channel only game...
Total posts: 751
9/6/2008 2:47 AM
it's being covered by Raycom...i don't remember which local channel that corresponds to but it will be on one of them
Total posts: 1051
9/16/2008 1:53 PM
so it looks like i won't make it to the game on saturday which means there are potentially two tickets of mine to be given away. are you guys interested?
Total posts: 751
9/16/2008 3:18 PM
i'd take one but i'll be out of town
Total posts: 2399
9/17/2008 9:33 AM
i'd take one too but I'll also be out of town :O I guess it'll be a quite weekend in the ATL
Total posts: 1323
9/20/2008 8:15 AM
jesus arkansas is horrible
Total posts: 2298
9/21/2008 4:01 PM
yah thanks i know i was there
got the melanoma to prove it. ow.
i'm never going to have a good team. thank god i can say i have a kickass conference.
edit: hey remember that time last year we beat lsu? that was great . . . :'(
Total posts: 1051
9/29/2008 7:56 AM
so it looks like i won't be back in time for the game this week so I should have two tickets up for grabs. any takers?
Total posts: 2399
9/29/2008 6:13 PM
aww boo. ME! Can I sit with your friends and make it really awkward? Yes and I will. Ooh is the pole vaulter going to be there? I think she and I really hit it off last time.
Who wants to go on a date with me to the Duke game? Don't worry I'll buy the tickets. :D