
The best damn waste of time!

NCAA Football

Total posts: 1323
holy crap.

closest home game this season was a win by 2 TDs. last home game of the season. vs Ole Miss. should be a blowout right? nope. won by 3 pts. in overtime. could've won it by 1 pt in regulation but they blocked the PAT so went to overtime.
Total posts: 2298
man. looks like we REALLY got our work cut out for us here at Arkansas next weekend. PPPPPPPTHHHHHBBTT
Total posts: 1323
man. STFU
Total posts: 1323
you lost to FUSC
Total posts: 2298
Yeah it was real demoralizing to lose to a team in the running for its third national championship game in a row . . .
Total posts: 200
so i'm going to the gt/uga game on saturday and will be sitting in the uga section. i need some ideas for maybe a sign or something. also any requests for a piece of a hedge when we kill uga?
Total posts: 2298
i'll be there too. want to meet up before the game? I'll be there early to try to get a ticket anyway.
Total posts: 200
yeah that would be fun. i'm not sure yet of my plans for the day but i will let you know when i do. maybe this time i wont get pneumonia which happened right before the miami game. score one for the sick people in hospitals.
Total posts: 2298
heh k
my number is 4043761721
Total posts: 1368
Looks like we will play either Wake or Maryland. I think that I like that better than Boston College. Also we need to get a hard count on who wants to go so that we start looking hard for tickets. I think that it is Me Steven Kristine Matt and Rachel anyone else?