Total posts: 69
9/20/2007 3:43 PM
Hey Steven I'll watch the game with you somewhere...I'll be late because I have to coach but I'm up for a sports bar or something if that's what people are doing.
Total posts: 751
9/21/2007 5:07 PM
For those interested in watching the game tomorrow...there's a group of nukes going to a Taco Mac to watch the game so I was going to meet up with them and y'all should come join us. It's off of Piedmont the address is 573 Main Street Atlanta GA 30324.
Total posts: 200
9/24/2007 5:34 AM
I just wanted to check to see whether there are 2 available tickets for Laurie and I? It is hard to tell and I'm anxious to witness GT throw away another game and/or not play defense.
Total posts: 897
9/24/2007 8:36 AM
Hannah only has the one student ticket.
Total posts: 200
9/24/2007 9:59 AM
I was referring to V's tickets?
Total posts: 1051
9/24/2007 11:08 AM
it looks like i may only be able to get one ticket and i usually give it to arif. i went today at noon to get my student ticket and they were all gone already. if i get my hands on extra tickets i'll let you know. my friend mentioned possibly having extras but i'm not positive. i'll have to get back to you.
Total posts: 897
9/24/2007 12:44 PM
well if student tickets are gone then hannah may not be able to get one. i'll see if both of her athlete family tickets are gone.
Total posts: 2398
9/25/2007 6:02 AM
Hey Justin you guys can have my ticket if we can't scrounge enough up. Either way you guys should come hangout for/after the game. :)
Total posts: 200
9/25/2007 1:12 PM
Thanks Arif I really appreciate the offer but I definitely don't want to take away anyone's ticket so they couldn't go to the game. I just thought there were possibly two tickets that would otherwise go unused so it would've been nice to take a trip. I'll see if maybe she would still want to take the trip and possibly watch the game at the apartment assuming someone will be there. Originally I was going to ask if anyone wanted to do some disc golf or ultimate (if lucky) on Friday (I had planned to come up early) or possibly Sunday. I don't really know my plans anymore but would anyone be interested? But thanks again for offering to let me have your ticket.
Total posts: 5116
9/25/2007 6:32 PM
I should be down for DG friday.