
The best damn waste of time!

Study Shows That

Total posts: 1367
Ranking of Most Least Dangerous Cities

Notable Cities (Higher the number the more dangerous)

1. Brick N.J. (least dangerous)
183. Melbourne Fla.
274. Tallahassee Fla.
315. Chattanooga Tenn.
328. Baton Rouge La.
332. Macon Ga.
371. St. Louis (most dangerous)
Total posts: 2298
Study shows that stereotypes are true:

heheh. coc symposium.
Total posts: 1367
Refering to my previous post I think this makes me and matt badasses and Steven a fancy boy.
Total posts: 4323
very well said shawn. i think we should bring the term "fancy boy" into common use.
Total posts: 5115
Your tax dollars at work
Total posts: 5115
Study shows that abstinence does not prevent pregnancy

Scarlett Johansson says she gets HIV checks once a month. I guess it's true: it's not the AIDS that kills you it's the anticipation.
Total posts: 1323
dammit woman! if i've told you once i've told you a thousand times: i don't have HIV!
Total posts: 1323
study shows that people are fucked up in the head