
The best damn waste of time!

It's thursday

Total posts: 5111
At Georgia State:
reliable = precise
valid = accurate

FYI and FMI since that's what I have an exam over tomorrow.

p.p.s. i think 'manhandle' is Shawn's mom's stage name
Total posts: 4318
THANKSMIHCLAE... go ahead and shatter any fond memories of what i learne din highscool. its not imporna.t.t... not like i (or ms bynum for gods sake) have any feelings. basuketto ballu ga daikiraidesuyo!! fooku youuuu and your precision analoy=gy..

lololo i typed "anal"
Total posts: 2394
Transcript of Matt's message from Thursday night (my comments or guess as to what he's saying are in brackets):
"I'm not leaving a god damn message for arif rahman
oh shit i'm stepping in the fuckin ant pile
oh it hurts so bad
it is it is not pleasant at all
fuck you fuck you ant pile
oh my god OH MY GOD fuckin ants
oh shit
ooooouuww oooooouuuwww
oh biting me
they're biting on my feet
they're biting on my feet and i can feel it even tho' i'm drunk
oh not funny not funny
fuck you god fuck you
not funny
clevy maybe clever but not funny
i hate ants so bad
so bad so bad
it hurts so bad
ohhuhuh my god!
ooohhh god it hurts it hurts my leg. its on my fEEt
oooooouuuww arif help me help me! [second "help me" sounds like a little girl]
(some dude in the background: .. come on don't worry about it you got people ...)
help me oh my god it hurts so bad
ooouuww ooooohhh
ouuww ouuwww x4 [sounds more and more like a 12 year old girl with each repetition]
[back to normal voice] i fuckin hate fire [pile?] ants
end of story
end of god damn story
hilariousness mmhmm not.
uummm go ahead and turn turn some porn on
'cause porn porn's atleast funny"

ROFLberry pwncakes! I would've had a recording of this on GC but I was getting 5-second dead-air calls from Montana and Lilburn GA so I removed my cell phone from the list.

Aww man you should've come down to the hotel Matt. It was amazing! I had ocean front view from the 12th floor. There was a sliding door leading to the bathroom so you could see the ocean while you were taking a bath or a dump (it could also create some interesting bathtub/bed sex positions. unfortunately I never had anyone to explore with though) :T We had an open bar on thursday and friday nights. We got really drunk on thursday and ended up goin for a swim in the ocean around 1am. Anyways it was a blast! Although it sounds like you had an awesome time with your fire/pile ants haha.

Total posts: 2298
it's always thursday somewhere.
Total posts: 4318
yeah that ant pile srsly pwned my feet. i was just glad they didn't make it up my pant legs because i was wearing jeans and i probably would have taken them off and run through the parking lot.

I'm also glad that it happened while i was leaving a voicemail because that shit is hilarious.
Total posts: 4318
for your listening pleasure:

so bad

Total posts: 310

the mwinter witch project.
Total posts: 2394
lol! yeah so apparently "409" and "post about this" = "porn" to me. Other than that the transcription is to the T. And the "Fuck you god." Haha good times!
Total posts: 2394

I had to go back 15 pages to find a relevant thread and not only is the title appropriate but the content is priceless too.  Anyways happy b'hooty birfday! :)

Total posts: 4318

Thanks Arif. It's been a spectacular birfday so far. I got a Kinect! and Rock Band 3 drums although I've had that one for a while.