Total posts: 1323
5/2/2006 3:10 PM
Total posts: 5118
8/25/2009 5:14 PM
Ha Finnish people. I've got a dollar that says
Matt and Bill were both concieved to this song.
Total posts: 1323
5/2/2006 3:56 PM
Total posts: 897
5/2/2006 4:24 PM
I like how they rhymed sand with stand. As for the red light running it's a good thing those people crossing the street were old if they had moved any faster it would've been a very different video.
Total posts: 2298
5/2/2006 6:34 PM
Total posts: 2298
5/2/2006 6:43 PM
spoiler . . .
careful observation yeilds teh following plurilogue
*setting - hospital? after some kind of accident involving carrie fat high chick and maryjewanna?*
Old lady (on left): "She is high!" *points to high fat chick*
(on the right) punkass bitch to OG: "they smoked marijuana together did you know that honey?"
Bun-Haired OG (in the back): "Pure trash!"
punkass bitch: "carrie had THC in her system"
*satisfying crunch similar to book-drop noise*
punkass bitch: ". . . "
Total posts: 2298
5/2/2006 6:45 PM
as you love me somebody get me an animated gif of that for my avatar . . .
Total posts: 4331
5/2/2006 7:35 PM
sweet merciful strawberry jam! internets you've done it again.
Total posts: 2298
5/2/2006 8:46 PM
hehdrew would have run his ass down tho. and i mean driven over him.
Total posts: 2298
5/2/2006 9:52 PM