
The best damn waste of time!

Dood bets finger v. $1 mil

Total posts: 5111

So either this guy plays poker to win a million dollars or he plays poker to keep his right pointer finger. If you want to hear about him playing to keep his finger don't visit the site; that's the bet.
Total posts: 4318
alright so get to explaining what happens on the site because I'm on the side of darkness for this one.
Total posts: 2
This looks akin to one of those flogs...all some sort of advertising designed to drum up publicity for

Otherwise I really don't see what all of the poker chips and the poker game have to do with the number of hits he gets by April.

And wow it's really well-written for some "laborer in a machine shop."

"This would be a dream come true for me and that is why I am willing to risk one digit to make seven of them!"

That just smacks of an copywriter's touch to me.

Total posts: 1097
I like Matt have boycotted the site. Odds on someone attacking the site forcing it down so that they fail to meet thre requisite hits to save the guy's finger?

Make him put his finger where his mouth is...