
The best damn waste of time!

Administrative HaXor1ng Thread

Total posts: 2298
How much does your browser suck?
Total posts: 1323
firefox and IE both fail that :|
Total posts: 751
firefox at least got pretty close...loading it up in IE makes you realize why they call it the acid test
Total posts: 4318
a CSS hack is where you do something in CSS that you shouldn't have to in order to make stuff show up the way you want it to. Adding little quirky things special lines that make some browsers do one thing and other browsers do other things just to make them all look the same in the end. CSS hacks aren't "hacks" the way Zero Cool or Acid Burn would define it; they're more along the lines of "employing cleverness to work around a problem."
Total posts: 1323
lol h4x teh gibson
Total posts: 4318
testing new

edit: yay it works.. finally got around to getting rid of that stupid random hide ID thing. high five document object model!
Total posts: 2298

admin hax: apparently you need the "www" at the beginning. you can probably set that up through your control panel to make go to the same place as
Total posts: 4318
ran this to update some files on the new hosting and i wanna save it for next time i have to do search and replace on a bunch of files:

for fl in `find . -name "*.php" -exec grep -l "/home/club409" {} \;`; do
mv $fl $fl.old
sed 's/home\/club409/home\/club9com/g' $fl.old > $fl

and apparently i can do it in perl with one line but I like sed :)
Total posts: 4318
I could have posted this in the notable news section but the Acid2 test was referenced here so:

IE8 passes Acid 2 Test
Total posts: 4318
double quote testing..