
The best damn waste of time!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Total posts: 2396
Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful that operator malfunction led to a clean shaven face. I spent 30 minutes two mondays ago getting my beard trimmed to perfection. My mustache was looking slightly unkempt so I decided to tame the grizzly beast. Unfortunately I was holding my clippers backwards rendering the guard utterly useless and leaving half my mustache sprawled upon our bathroom sink. Haha pictures to come.

I'm also thankful that I've recovered from the urinary infection I've had for the past few days. Luckily it was just an infection and not something more serious like kidney stones. Sorry no pictures. [See crying ginger breadman logo for emotional state] :'O
Total posts: 5115
those both sound like thanksgiving miracles to me
Total posts: 2396
So after a successful night of turkey gobbling my sister brother-in-law and I went deep sea fishing at 8am this morning. :O We chartered a 27-foot boat for the full day (8 hours). It was my first time out and about 30 minutes into the trip we had our first bite! 3 seconds after that we had our second bite! I started reeling in the first sailfish while my bro-in-law reeled in the second. He reeled his in faster so I had to let mine swim out again while they brought the first one up for pics before letting it go (sailfish are on the "criminals-in-georgia" policy better known as the "catch-n-release" policy ZING!). I was already tired at this point but I had to let him back out so they wouldn't get tangled up. I don't know if you guys have ever been deep sea fishing but those suckers are strong! It took me about 10 minutes more of pulling and reeling and I was exhausted by the end but I finally got him in. It was about a 4.5 to 5 sailfish maybe 60lbs or so. Oh man did that burn! We hung around there for another hour or so but didn't catch anymore. We moved on to bottom sea fishing and I caught a decent sized red snapper--the only one we caught that was big enough to keep. It was an awesome trip though! The weather was gorgeous: mid 70s partly cloudy with a light breeze out of the NE. The ocean was fairly calm too so that was nice. Pics and videos to come. :D
Total posts: 5115

it's 2012 i ate so much of everything but someone said chocolate lava cake

Total posts: 1048
Happy thanksgiving y’all!
Total posts: 2396
Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope you guys had a nice break.