
The best damn waste of time!

Lights....and seizures

Total posts: 44
Total posts: 4318
now that's my kind of christmas light display
Total posts: 5111
Just saw this on TV as a Miller Lite commercial.
Total posts: 4318
So do you think it was originally a miller lite thing or do you think they bought the rights to it / whatever? i'm sure the answer lies somewhere within the realm of the interweb. but i dont currently have the stamina to look for it right now. i blame christmas break.. makin me all soft.
Total posts: 897
It's a dood's real house somewheres. And it's not pieced together he has it hooked to a computer program or something and it plays every night starting at 9 o'clock and goes until 11 once every 30 minutes. His neighbors made him stop though because they got so freakin' sick of it and lots of people came to see it because it's been in the commercial on the Ellen Degenerate show and other shows. So now he's only going to play it Christmas Eve and Christmas day once each. The guy has way too much free time. I'll see if I can find details about the location dood's name and so forth.