
The best damn waste of time!

Enhancing your computing experience

Total posts: 5115

going to pick up that asus went on sale today sweet

Total posts: 1367

You should double your budget and get a macbook air so you can hang out in coffee shops and look cool

Total posts: 5115

don't think i've forgotten about that share of ownership i have for your laptop

Total posts: 1367

I didn't forget. If you ever need to borrow it let me know. I don't have it and don't know where it is and it won't boot. Otherwise though it's in good condition.

Total posts: 5115

might have to track it down figure if i reduce it to a pile like the other laptop i might be able to combine them into something that works i'll let you borrow it after that

Total posts: 5115

so the water cooling system in my rig finally gave up and so on a day when i should have been doing schoolwork all day i was screwing around with that so i went to fry's and bought a heat sink and fan and of course it's the right heat sink and fan but i was supposed to grab the other model that included the correct hardware for attaching it to the cpu so i just shoved it on there with some parts i had left around and i threw some random fans in there dental floss is now an integral part of my cooling system now but the ethernet port decided to stop working after all that ordeal and my wireless card doesn't want to work either so now i'm tethered to my cell phone posting on 409 that way and that's how i'll be doing everything until barb gets back with the now it's 10 oclock and i'm ready to begin my day of schoolwork but now i'm hungry...

Total posts: 2397

I was messing around with SABnzbd today to figure out why I was getting errors from astraweb so I removed the server connection.  Then I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to configure as my usenet server...What I didn't realize is that is just a usenet indexer not a provider.  Anyways after I got passed that brain fart I decided to look at buying my own provider account.  I found that usenetserver (UNS) was rated slightly better than astraweb so I decided to go with a $95/1 year subscription.

I was trying to download the Underworld trilogy yesterday so I left sabnzbd uncapped to see what it maxed out at.  When I was on Matt's astraweb account I was capped at around 600 KB/s.  After switching to UNS I tried the same thing and it maxed out at 2.74 MB/s...z0mg.   One difference is that the SSL configuration for UNS wouldn't work so I'm on an unencrypted connection where as the astraweb connection was secured.  The other thing is that Matt and or Shawn may have been using that account at the time which may have reduced the bandwidth.  Either way I'm going to cap at 1 MB/s and see how long it takes brighthouse to go "wtf? you ain't doing that again.  yo ass just got *throttled*"

Btw if others purchase a UNS account add my account as a referral (422026) and I'll get a discount. :D

Total posts: 4323

With Astraweb if you were able to download at all that means that nobody else was using the connection. They limit it to one active IP at a time.

GJ on the UNS account. Happy pillaging!

Total posts: 1323
(Updated 3/12/2013 1:51 PM)

FYI if you're ever in the need of a webhost avoid 1&1 like the plague. If you ever need to call tech support they ask to verify your account by giving them your password over the phone. They say you can change your password immediately before/after you give it but I would rather not deal with such a backasswards security policy.

Edit: Oh and they like to advertise unlimited storage but you're really allocated a set quota then they gradually increase it if you're running low on space. Of course that's buried in the terms & conditions and nowhere on the package information pages.

Total posts: 4323

Shameless referral plug.. engaged.

I've been using dreamhost for a while now and have been mostly satisfied (and tbh I don't think there's a host out there that would provide the level of service that would make me completely satisfied for the money i'm willing to spend. so it's pretty much as good as it'll get).. if you're looking to sign up use me as your referral and I'll split the bonus with you laugh

Ways for me to make money off of your signup:

  • Enter my email address in the "who referred you" box
  • Register as a result of going here