
The best damn waste of time!

Things you shouldn't say to girl

Total posts: 2394
girl: "I think i'm pregnant"
you: ::hesitation:: "Is it mine?"
Total posts: 2394
after talkin to a girl for an hour about how guys are physically attracted to her but don't want to date:
you (11:59:08 PM): have u dated any seriously other than [guy's name]?
girl (11:59:14 PM): nope
you (11:59:35 PM): hmm
girl (11:59:39 PM): why??
girl (11:59:42 PM): why are you hmming?
you (12:00:06 AM): iunno maybe there is something wrong with u
[note a wink following that comment doesn't help]
Total posts: 4318
baaaahahahahaha.. are you sure the thread title is right? i think this thread is more appropriately titled "awesome ways to let a girl know whats up"
Total posts: 897
Total posts: 4318
In response to arif's comment in the The Emo Thread I'll go ahead and add "Cleveland Steamer" to the list of awesome ways to let a girl know whats up
Total posts: 1097
Guys guys guys... how quickly we forget our roots...

"Angry Dragon" should have been the first thing out of anybody's mouth. Or nose.

Total posts: 2298
oops durn back button trick
Total posts: 44
Oh I played this game last week...

Girl: So my roommate says I would make a great radio announcer
Me: Does that mean you're fat and ugly
Girl: *Silence*
Girl: Did you just call me fat and ugly?
Me: maybe?

and dinner only got better from there
Total posts: 1097
"Next up on WBBW... my shame at being fat and ugly!"

Was this St. Pauli girl? Did she punch you in the face?
Total posts: 44
yeah... and she totally wanted too which would have raised the number of times i've been punched in the face by a girl this year to four