
The best damn waste of time!

Old 409 Integration

Total posts: 2394
Ok, so I finally got around to integrating the old data.  There's some quirks with merged threads where older posts have a newer post id, so they show up later in the list.  The simplest fix is to delete the new posts and reinsert them so they have newer post ids.  I'm not sure how many threads are like that, but I'll have to fix it later.

Also, the total post count select is just taking way too long.  I have an index on the fk for user id, but I think there's some quirk with Entity Framework, where the navigation properties are not using the index.  EF is also not able to easily work with views, so I can't take that approach. Regardless, for now I need to comment that out.  It's the difference between 8 second page loads vs 200 ms page loads...

So anyways, have at it!  If you would like to mark all the old threads as read, let me know and I can run a script to do that.
Total posts: 4318
Nice work!

ORDER BY creation date instead of post ID?
Total posts: 2394
I think ordering by date was causing some performance issues, so I'd like to stick with ids.  It should only be a handful of threads to fix.  Will probably have to wait until I'm traveling again.  Hard to get stuff done at home. :)
Total posts: 2394
fyi, thread search indexing isn't running i don't think, so the old threads won't show up yet. 
Total posts: 2394
I wrote a script to find all the merged threads and corrected it.  So the posts will show in chronological order. :) 

I fixed the thread title to go to the last page (not deployed yet), and next up is highlighting only the pages that are unread.  That might take a little more work.
Total posts: 2394
i fixed the search indexers, so you can search the old threads and posts now. :)
Total posts: 4318
Selecting "Old 409" in the thread list dropdown throws an error. Now that it's merged, does that option just need to go away?
Total posts: 2394
I fixed it so Old 409 works again.  I wanted to keep them around for historical purposes.  Some of content of the new posts may have been borked, so at least we have the old one for reference.  We can remove it later on if we feel like the the content is fine.